
Chook Symphony No. 1

Aotearoa New Zealand’s only organic free-range chicken producer, Bostock Brothers partnered with the NZSO to produce an original composition for their birds.


2 minutes 30 seconds

Performance Date

October 2023


New Zealand Composer
Hamish Oliver


Hamish Oliver Chook Symphony No. 1

Chook Symphony No.1 is a unique collaboration with NZSO partner, Bostock Brothers.

As Aotearoa New Zealand’s only organic free-range chicken producer, Bostock Brothers partnered with the NZSO to produce an original composition for the birds to spotlight animal welfare and continue enriching the lives of their organic chickens.

The piece, created by composer and sound designer Hamish Oliver, was performed by NZSO musicians at the Bostock Brothers’ farm in Hawke’s Bay. It has been explicitly tuned to the chooks’ musical tastes and is the next step in championing the brothers’ ethical farming practice values.
