Mahler: Symphony No. 3

NZSO Artistic Advisor and Principal Conductor Gemma New leads the NZSO for Mahler's monumental Third Symphony.


1 hour 45 minutes 4 seconds

Performance Date

31 March 2023


Great symphonies
Gemma New


Mahler Symphony No. 3 in D Minor

Gemma New Conductor
Sasha Cooke mezzo-soprano

Mahler’s Third Symphony is a colossal monument in the orchestral repertoire, requiring a giant orchestra, a women’s choir, a children’s choir and a mezzo-soprano soloist. In this work, Mahler interrogates and portrays gorgeous life itself – summer, nature, humanity, heaven and love.

Renowned mezzo-soprano Sasha Cooke returns to our shores to perform in this masterful work.

Principal partners
